Over the years, Cynthia Holz has published many book reviews, essays, articles and blogs in The Globe and Mail, The Ottawa Citizen, Quill & Quire, The National Post and elsewhere. She is currently writing personal essays.
“On Water, Under It”: Prairie Fire, Issue #45.4, winter 2024-25
“Out of the Bronx”: Canadian Notes & Queries, Issue #107, spring/summer 2020, https://notesandqueries.ca/essays/out-of-the-bronx/
“Conversations with Myself”: Canadian Notes & Queries, Issue #104, spring 2019, http://notesandqueries.ca/essays/conversations-with-myself/
“Open Coffins”: EVENT, winter 2018
“Here”: Grain, summer 2018
“My First Job”: Numéro Cinq, May 2017, http://numerocinqmagazine.com/2017/05/08/my-first-job-memoir-cynthia-holz/